My Vodafone

Agency Triple BV

Over the past 5 years, I've been the lead designer for all VodafoneZiggo selfservice platforms. Aiming for consistency across al "My"-platforms, we've been working on bringing the information architecture, UX and visual design together, creating one consistent experience over all platforms.

In those 5 years, we've done multiple re-designs and released many new features in the app. In the beginning, it was mainly a way to check your remaining data or view bills. Now the app is a place to take care of everything, a full selfservice app. Manage your subscriptions, retention flows, ordering a new phone or managing multiple subscribers.

In 2019 we did a full re-design of the My Vodafone website. First, we created a new information achitecture (IA). This new IA should be in line with all VodafoneZiggo platforms, ready for a consistent future. With a similar experience on web and app.